Features |
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Single/Three/RGB color for text and animated graphics |
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Compact size and easy mount |
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I 2 inch height digits |
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Viewing Distance:£¼100 Feet. |
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Time and date display |
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Build in european characters with user fonts edit function |
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PC software included with simple operation |
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Included infrared remote control keyboard |
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RS232 9-pin serial port connection |
Specifications |
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Display Area: 2.1¡±(54mm) X 24¡±(610mm) |
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Display pixel: 7 X 80 |
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Pitch: 7.62mm |
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AC or 12-24VDC operation |
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32k memory(26pages X 200 characters & 16pages graphic) |
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Display color: AM03127-H11: red |
AM03127-h13: red, amber, green |
AM07231: Blue, White, Amber, Red, Green, Cyan, Magenta |
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Accessories: RS232 cable, Infrared remote control keyboard, user manual, one |
pair mounting bracket, power adaptor |
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Optional accessories: wireless RS232, USB adaptor, RS485 adaptor, ethernet |
adaptor |